What to Expect


For All New Patients

Expect to be heard and understood.  The initial visit with your provider will last between 30 minutes and an hour. During this time a complete health history is taken, a thorough physical evaluation is completed and results are explained. During the initial visit, your provider will give you options for treatment, including referrals to other services/testing you may need, and may even begin treatment.

Manual Medicine Patients

Initial Visit – If you are seeking care for an acute or chonic injury, you will be given immediate recommendations, including treatment options – most conditions will respond to some combination of manual therapy and some at-home exercises. You will be given an individualized treatment plan, based on the latest research available, that is aimed at assisting the body’s natural ability to heal.

Treatment – Most acute injuries respond rapidly to treatment, fully resolving in days to weeks. Chronic pain and injuries (ie. someone suffering from years of back pain) typically take longer to resolve, but often begin to improvement immediately following the first few treatments. Chronic degenerative conditions like arthritis or degenerative disc disease often show remarkable improvements in symptoms, however longer term treatment plans may be beneficial.

Active Care – Self-care exercise and stretches are essential, not only for recovery, but from preventing future pain and injury. Often, even a small postural or behavioural modification can help patients control pain and promote a faster recovery.

Length of Treatment – Treatment progress and goals are continually evaluated. Many patients that come in for acute injuries are treated and discharged in a couple of weeks. Other patients prefer to come in regularly for a “tune up” to prevent injury or just improve their physical health.


Tips: Try to arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than your appointment to fill out initial paperwork.  Wear comfortable, loose clothing if seeing one of the chiropractors or medical doctors.