Because its so common, and so costly, back pain is heavily researched – but what does the research say about low back pain treatment?
Clinical practice guidelines RECOMMEND the following, proven effective, treatments for low back pain:
- Spinal Mobilization and Manipulation
- Acupuncture
- Exercise
- NSAIDs (low dose or over the counter pain/inflammation medication)
- Mobilization
- Acupuncture
The following treatments are RECOMMENDED AGAINST as they have been proven to be ineffective:
- Injections of therapeutic substances into the back
- Laser Therapy
- Interferential Current Therapy and TENS
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Traction
- Lumbar Supports
Orleans Integrative Medicine is committed to evidence-based medicine – this means that we look to the best available scientific research when offering and recommending treatments. If you have questions regarding any of our assessments, diagnoses, or treatments, do not hesitate to Contact Us
Click here for a video designed to help patients understand their back pain